CT1 - Preston Point Road North Recreation Precinct Master Plan (Closed)

The Draft Preston Point Road North Recreation Precinct Master Plan (PPRNRPMP) has been endorsed to release for public comment.  Comments can be made in writing via email to admin@eastfremantle.wa.gov.au or by mail to PO BOX 1097 FREMANTLE WA 6959 and must be received prior to 20 March 2020.

Click here for the Draft Plan

Click here for the Draft Concept

Master Plan Background

Following their appointment in January 2019, ABV Consulting have undertaken extensive background research (including an existing facilities and reserves audit, trends analysis and stakeholder consultation) in order to accurately inform the preparation of the Preston Point Road North Recreation Precinct Master Plan. 

The objectives of the Preston Point Road North Recreation Precinct Master Plan are;

  • To identify gaps, over provision and / or duplications in recreation space / facility provision within the Precinct.
  • To make recommendations on future facility needs, location, timing and function, including opportunities for the rationalisation of existing facilities through colocation, sharing, upgrading and repurposing.
  • To prepare a concept plan design that identifies and accommodates the required sports and recreation activities, within the spatial layout and footprint of existing playing fields, parking, hard courts, sports lighting, clubrooms and buildings according to the sport arrangements in the Sport and Recreation Dimension Guideline and website, including:
    • identifying sport dimensions, orientation, lighting, markings and surface types; and
    • identifying location of existing and proposed park furniture including drink fountains, public toilets, seating, shelters, bbqs, play equipment, sports equipment, outdoor fitness equipment, paths, linkages ‘etc’.
  • Inclusion of a plan that prioritises projects and provides estimated capital costs, including a timeline for funding to assist with activation.



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