Crossovers and Dividing Fences

What is a crossover?
The portion of the driveway between the property line and the road edge is known as the crossover.
Who Maintains the Crossover?
As the primary role of the crossover is to provide access for the adjoining property owner, the subsequent repair and maintenance including retention of stormwater runoff, falls to them to maintain the crossover in a safe and serviceable condition.
Building a New Crossover
If you are planning to conduct crossover works on your property, it is important to note:
- All crossover works require approval from the Town
- Planning/development and building approvals do not include crossover approval
- Works performed without approval will be deemed as unauthorised works and could be liable to warnings and/or fines
Crossover specifications
For detailed specifications, please refer to the Towns Crossover Specifications 2024
Lodging an Application to Conduct Crossover Works
Download and complete the Application to Conduct Crossover Works. With your application, provide a plan showing the site, noting existing street trees, footpath, public utilities, signage, location and dimensions of the crossover.
Email the completed form and supporting documentation to operations via
Alternatively please complete our Online Crossover Application
Operations will then conduct an onsite inspection of the property and check the suitability of the proposed new crossover. You will then be advised if the crossover application has been approved.
Note: You must wait for your application to be approved before commencing construction work.
Costs and Fees
There are no application or inspection fees for crossover works.
Crossover Applications can take up to 10 business days to assess before approval is issued, subject to all information being provided and the crossover meeting the Town's standards.
For further information regarding crossovers, please contact Operations on 9339 9339.
Dividing Fences
A dividing fence is a sufficient fence that separates the land of different owners, whether on the common boundary of adjoining lands or in a line other than the common boundary.
If you are seeking to construct a dividing fence you must meet the obligations defined in the Dividing Fences Act 1961 prior to construction.
The Town does not have ownership of the Dividing Fences Act 1961.
Information can be obtained from the The Department of Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety