Reconciliation in East Fremantle
The Nyoongar/Bibbulmun people are the Traditional Owners of the South West of Western Australia. The Town of East Fremantle is located on Whadjak Nyoongar Country and we acknowledge the continuing connection Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people have to this land.
The Town of East Fremantle is committed to pursuing sincere reconciliation with our Town's first people. This commitment is an embodiment of the Town's corporate values, in particular respect and empathy.
The Town's commitment to reconciliation takes life in important symbolic expressions, including:
- flying the Aboriginal flag outside the East Fremantle Town Hall
- formal acknowledgement of first peoples prior to all Council and committee meetings and in the preamble to Council minutes and agendas and key Council documents including the Strategic Community Plan and Annual Report
- welcome to country performed by local elders at the commencement of all Town events
This commitment was given further expression through the delivery of cultural awareness training for all elected members and staff of the Town of East Fremantle in mid 2020 and again for staff in mid 2023.
In August 2020, the Town called for expressions of interest for members of its Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group, which held its first meeting in October 2020. A report of that first meeting is available here: First Meeting of Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group - 5 October 2020.

Caption: At the first meeting of the Town of East Fremantle’s Reconciliation Action Plan Working Group were L-R back row: Tim Muirhead, Gary Tuffin – CEO Town of East Fremantle, Danny Ford, Deputy Mayor Cr Jenny Harrington, Cr Michael McPhail, Cr Cliff Collinson. Front row seated L-R were Noongar elders Malcolm Champion, Gladys Yarran and Farley Garlett.
What is a RAP?
The Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) program provides a framework for organisations to support the national reconciliation movement. A RAP is a strategic document that includes practical actions that will drive an organisation’s contribution to reconciliation both internally and in the communities in which it operates. The RAP Program contributes to advancing the five dimensions of reconciliation – Race Relations; Equality and Equity; Unity; Institutional integrity; Historical Acceptance - by supporting organisations to develop respectful relationships and create meaningful opportunities with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. There are four RAP types (Reflect, Innovate, Stretch, Elevate) that set out the minimum elements required to build strong relationships, respect and opportunities within an organisation and community.
As the Town of East Fremantle is only just beginning its reconciliation journey, the Town's first RAP will be at the Reflect level.
To stay informed about the development of reconciliation in East Fremantle, stay in touch with us by visiting our website and social media channels, and if you have specific questions, please send them by email to or call 9339 9339.