Corporate Plans and Strategies

The Strategic Planning Framework requires local authorities to engage with their community and establish a vision that will frame priorities and objectives into the future.

Council reviews and updates its Strategic Community Plan and Corporate Business Plan and subsequent plans in accordance with S5.56 (1) of the Local Government Act 1995 and regulation 19C(4) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996.

Strategic Community Plan

Strategic Community Plan 2020 - 2030

The purpose of the Strategic Community Plan is to link the community's aspirations with Council's vision and long term strategy.  The Town of East Fremantle's Strategic Community Plan is our highest-order planning and strategy document that sets our policy and corporate objectives. It informs all other plans and is updated regularly to reflect community priorities.

Corporate Business Plan

Corporate Business Plan 2024-2028

The Corporate Business Plan activates the Strategic Community Plan by prioritising, resourcing and implementing the community's short, medium and long term aspirations.

Strategic Resource Plan (with 10 Year Long Term Financial Plan)

Strategic Resource Plan 2024-2025 to 2033-2034

The Strategic Resource Plan considers the Town's organisational structure, workforce profile and provides the framework to align the Town's workforce with the programs and projects identified in the Corporate Business Plan and Long Term Financial Plan. 

The Long Term Financial Plan, which is incorporated in the Strategic Resource Plan, is based on expenditure projections relating to asset maintenance, replacement, upgrades, renewal and disposals obtained by the Town’s Asset Management Plans for critical asset classes. Council's Long Term Financial Plan also contains a set of long-range financial projections and assumptions designed to show the financial impacts of preserving levels of services, with the underlying objective to map the financial sustainability of the Town of East Fremantle.

Revenue Strategy (Rates and Fees and Charges)

Revenue Strategy 2024-2025

The objectives of the Revenue Strategy are to provide a robust and considered framework for Rates categories, Minimum Rates, and Differential Rates that incorporate the principles of objectivity (fairness and equity, consistency, transparency, and administrative efficiency), ensure a stable rates revenue stream for the Town from year to year, deliver a stable rating price pathway for our community, and consider a framework for the setting of fees and charges. 

Workforce Plan

Workforce Plan 2022-2027

The Workforce Plan is a core information strategy identifying the human resources and skills required to deliver on the medium to long-term strategic direction, as outlined in the Town’s Strategic Community Plan and outlines the strategies to be implemented to ensure the appropriate resources are in place, now and into the future.

The Workforce Plan fosters a resilient, connected organisation culture which continues to attract and retain talented staff.

The Workforce Plan:

  • profiles the current Town of East Fremantle workforce
  • assesses the impact of the external workforce on the Town of East Fremantle’s current and future workforce
  • identifies the workforce implications the Strategic Community Plan has on the Town
  • outlines strategies for addressing these implications; and
  • sets out how the delivery of this Workforce Plan will be monitored.