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Proposed George Street Designated Heritage Area 

FEEDBACK SOUGHT - Submissions Close Friday 15 November 2019.

Frequently Asked Questions

Draft Local Planning Policy

Map - Boundaries of George Street Heritage Area

Online Consultation Form


On 15 October 2019 Council resolved to advertise a proposal to expand the already listed George Street (heritage) Precinct and in accordance with Schedule 2, Part 3 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 propose a draft Local Planning Policy (LPP) in relation to this matter and applicable to the Heritage Area.

A local government may designate a Heritage Area if it considers that special planning controls are required to conserve and enhance the cultural heritage significance and character of an area.  Under Local Planning Scheme No. 3, the George Street Precinct (selected lots west of Stirling Highway to East Street) is listed in the Heritage List of the Scheme as a heritage precinct. 

Affected residents were provided with information about the proposal,  including a copy of the Draft LPP which includes a map showing the expanded boundaries of the George Street (heritage) Precinct renamed the George Street Designated Heritage Area, a statement about the heritage significance of the area and a record of all the places that have heritage significance within the Heritage Area.  A property can be located within a Heritage Area but not be listed as an individual entry in the Planning Scheme Heritage List or in the Municipal Heritage Inventory.  These properties will be subject to compliance with the LPP for the Heritage Area.

 A 21 day advertising period is now open and interested parties are invited to make a submission on this matter.  

At the conclusion of the advertising period the submissions will be reviewed and Council will then make a decision as to whether the Heritage Area and the LPP are designated in accordance with the Regulations, with or without modification, or alternatively not adopted.  

All those who make a submission will be advised of the date of the Council meeting at which the proposed Heritage Area and LPP will be considered for final adoption by Council and all land owners will be advised of the Council’s determination in relation to the matter.

Submissions can be made in writing to the Town via email at, by post or via the online form here

Submissions close Friday, 15 November 2019

For all enquiries please call Christine Catchpole, Senior Town Planner at the Town of East Fremantle on (08) 9339 9319.