Online Form - Rates - Payment Arrangement Form

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Note: Incomplete forms are kept for a period of 2 day(s), after this time the system will automatically delete your response.

Postal Address*

Complete the payment plan detail below.

Payments to be made*

By submitting this form you are agreeing to the conditions below:

  • You will need to contact the Town prior to your last payment due to confirm the final amount owing on your rates account.
  • It is the responsibility of the ratepayer to ensure that the agreed payment amounts are paid on or before the agreed due date. Reminder notices will not be issued.
  • The Town of East Fremantle requires full payment of the outstanding rates by the end of the financial year if you require an extension on this timeframe, please contact the Rates Department at the Town of East Fremantle.
  • Should you default on the payment arrangement, a Final Notice with the outstanding balance of your rates will be forwarded to you, requesting payment within 14 days. Failure to do so may result in the commencement of debt recovery to recover the outstanding amount owing. Any costs associated with debt recovery, will result in additional costs. This will increase the above rates account due for payment.

Payments can be made using BPAY through your bank or financial institution. The biller code for the Town of East Fremantle is 889220 and your BPAY Reference Number is your payment account number on your rates notice.

Note:  Once this form has been submitted, confirmation of the payment arrangement will be provided to you in writing. 

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