Online Form - Verge Tree Request Form

The Town supports residents’ efforts in greening their streets and will supply and plant trees on residential verges free of charge at the request of the property owner.  If you would like the Town to plant a street tree, please submit the application form below.

Street trees that are to be planted by the Town are planted each year during the winter and all application forms need to be received by 30 April of each year to ensure stock availability. 

Please be advised that acceptable verge tree species lists are currently under review due to the developing Polyphagous Shothole Borer (PSHB) situation affecting the Perth area. More information regarding PSHB can be found by visiting the Department of Primary Industries & Regional Development (DPIRD) website. 

Applications received after 30 April will be planted in the following year’s planting program.

Are you the property owner? (If 'No' please attach owner's written consent)*
I understand that my verge will be inspected for tree suitability, and two tree species options will be made available to me. If I do not reply with a preference within the time frame given, the Town will select the most suitable species*
I understand that the Town is working with DPIRD to reduce the impact of Polyphagous Shothole Borer. Selected species that are deemed to be reproductive hosts at any time will not be planted, and a suitable replacement will be chosen instead.*
Once planting has been undertaken, I/we agree to water in the tree/s planted including a summer watering schedule. Note: The Town will undertake watering on newly planted street trees initially to assist the tree in establishing a healthy root system.*
I understand that Council reserves the right to prune, plant, or remove any tree or trees on its land or within Council’s verge, which it deems necessary. Pruning of verge trees will only be carried out by Council or Council’s contractor on those trees that cause an adverse impact.*
I understand that the Town will inspect the site for the selected tree/s to determine suitability and will only plant the most suitable trees according to the available room on the verge and in keeping with the existing streetscape*

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