Local Planning Strategy
September 2022
The Town of East Fremantle Local Planning Strategy is now finalised. It has been endorsed by the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC) and is in operation. Please view a copy via the below button.
Local Planning Strategy
Local Planning Strategy Map

Approval Process and Timeline
Local Planning Strategy - Fact Sheet
Local Planning Strategy - FAQs
Hard copies of the Local Planning Strategy documents can also be viewed at Town Hall, 135 Canning Highway, East Fremantle Monday to Friday between 8.30am – 4.30pm.
The Local Planning Strategy documents have been modified since the February 2022 version, at the direction of the WAPC.
At its meeting held on 19 July 2022, the Statutory Planning Committee (SPC) of the WAPC resolved to endorse the Town’s Local Planning Strategy subject to some changes. The strategy was changed in accordance with the SPC’s Schedule of Modifications and was endorsed on 9 September 2022.
Statutory Planning Committee (SPC) Agenda Report
Statutory Planning Committee (SPC) Minutes
Final Schedule of Modifications
February 2022
The Town of East Fremantle has now adopted a Local Planning Strategy (LPS) to provide a blueprint for the growth and development of neighbourhoods and commercial (activity) centres over the next 10 to 15 years. It will also inform the preparation of a new Local Planning Scheme.
The Draft LPS was advertised for public comment for a period of 6 weeks, closing on 8 November 2021. Of 19 submissions received: 4 offered support/no comment; 8 offered support and suggested minor changes; and 7 requested specific changes.
Council considered the submissions and resolved to adopt the LPS on 15 February 2022, subject to a number of modifications. The minutes can be viewed here:
Extract from Minutes 150222
As a final step however, the Western Australian Planning Commission must also endorse the LPS, which may require further modifications before approval is finalised.
November 2021
The Town of East Fremantle has prepared a Draft Local Planning Strategy (Draft LPS 2021) to provide strategic direction for future planning and development within the Town over the next 10 to 15 years. It provides a blueprint for the planning and development of neighbourhoods and commercial (activity) centres and informs the preparation of a new Local Planning Scheme No. 4.
Along with other Local Governments in Western Australia, the Town is required to prepare an LPS to show how the State Government's housing targets as provided in Directions 2031 and Beyond, Perth and Peel @ 3.5 million and the Central Sub-regional Planning Framework can be achieved together with how other State Planning Policy can be applied to the local setting.
The Draft LPS 2021 provides for growth of the Town from 3,090 dwellings (2011 Census) to at least 3,980 by 2050 (+890 dwellings) to meet the State government's infill dwelling target under the Central Sub-Regional Planning Framework (WAPC, 2018). The total estimated current dwellings in 2021 is 3,310. Draft LPS 2021 generally directs growth of the remaining 670+ additional dwellings by 2050 to areas in and near activity centres and urban corridors where higher density developments is already existing or permitted. The Draft LPS 2021 provides the framework for implementing the Town's other major strategies through a new Local Planning Scheme.
Draft LPS 2021 was advertised for public comment over 6 weeks until 8 November 2021. Council will consider the submissions and make modifications if required before it is adopted. The WAPC must endorse the Draft LPS 2021 as a final step.